Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I have abandoned my blog, but Im back !

So a few people asked "do you still blog"? The answer is NO lol . I totally forgot about it to be honest. But here is an update.... Completely done with all 6 rounds of chemo, and I am officially in remission.  YAHOO !!! Back to work, and growing hair. Rocking short hair and a faux hawk right now, looking forward to it growing fast like it has been. My eyelashes and eyebrows came back within 2 weeks or so which was rad.  Since a week after treatment I have been going to a crossfit gym, and eating REALLY healthy.  I have lost 7 lbs of fat, gained a lot of muscle, and got much leaner.  Im obsessed with it , and am feeling really healthy and strong.  Thank you for all your support, Im glad its over and I can now move on with life

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Round 4 of chemo was not fun :(

Thank god it is over, but that round was the most challenging mentally for me.  Im at a place where I am ready for this to be over, and with an almost normal scan last month, I'm even more ready to put this to an end and move on with my life.  The hardest part has definitely been staying home and just not being able to be as active as I used to be.  Its very frustrating, and with a husband who works very long and hard hours, I have a lot of hours in each day to fill and try to keep busy. Going out and meeting friends for lunch, coffee, or walks has helped SOOOOO much.  Don't know what I would do without all my support.  I miss my job  though, and just miss feeling like myself again. Can't wait for the day (which will be soon) where I can wake up, walk rhino or take him for a run with me , go to work, come home, make dinner, and just be busy again.  The isolating aspect of cancer , for me, is harder than the chemo, the pain, the tests, and everything else that has come along with it.

I have been working on school work, and been able to do a few things around the house I didn't have time for before all this. I always enjoyed cooking, and I have been able to make some new foods with having more time. We started following the Paleo Diet, which basically teaches you to eat things as they are in nature, and nothing processed.  If it had a face, eat it. Veggies, fruits, nuts, all in their natural state. No sugars, grains, breads, pastas, or anything that has been highly processed.  I already feel better, and we haven't been doing it that long.  I will let you know at the end of this month how it goes.  I figure it can't hurt to eat healthy, and with everything I have been through I am committed to keeping my body healthy and happy for the long haul.

 Last week we took a trip to San Fran, which was so amazing. I had so much fun, and it was nice to just get away.  Alcatraz was so cool, and there was a lot we got to see that I didn't see the last time I visited there. We are also going up to Big Bear this weekend, which I am very much looking forward to.  It is nice to spend time with Richie, since his work days are from 5am-5pm, and he is understandably tired and wants to just relax when he gets home.  He is taking a motorcycle trip at the end up the month with his crew (combat ryders) which will be fun for him, to get away and spend time with his guys.

Well,back to homework. Thank you everyone for all your support. Again, I wouldn't be able to do this without you


Monday, February 20, 2012

Round 3--done

Well, I am officially half way through my chemo. Finished round 3 a week ago. This time, my body has definitely been beat down a little more. The actual chemo and lumbar puncture in the hospital were easy, but once I got home, my system took a hit. The first few days, it was hard for me to catch my breath, so I hung out in bed most of the time. Fine by me, but not much fun to get winded from just walking to the kitchen or making food.  I have a really hard time sleeping at night now, which is very different for me. I used to be a great sleeper.  My appetite has always been good, which keeps my energy up.  Some minor body aches from the Newlasta shot I get (to stimulate bone marrow production). Something new I do get is sternal and rib cage pain from the shot though, which is really painful and feels like heartburn. Luckily, taking just one Vicodin does the trick , and it goes away.  Not very fun, but now I know how to deal with it.  Up till now, each round of Chemo has been increased by 20% each time, since my body has been responding and doing well with that schedule. But for now, my doc thinks he will either keep my chemo the same for round 4, or decrease it by 20%. He said this is my "sweet spot" where my body is affected a lot, but just enough to not be dangerous to my system.  So if I can keep this amount, it will be perfect for me.  One of the chemo drugs affects nerves, so the tips of each of my fingers are numb. The feeling will come back though once I am done with all the chemo.  Since I am half way through now, they are doing another PET CT scan tomorrow to see how the treatment is affecting the cancer.  I am so ready for this all to be done and over with, I miss working. The hardest part of this has not been the chemo, it has been staying home. It is very isolating, and makes me really miss my old life when I was busy all the time.  I cant wait to go back to work.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Getting ready for another week at Hotel Mission

Well, I can honestly say I have been feeling pretty great.  Much more energy after round 2 than round 1 of my chemo.  My appetite and energy was much better, and I was able to do more around the house, study, take better care of Rhino, and even go to the gym.  This past week I had a little bit of a cold, but my blood counts have never been better, and my doctor is yet again increasing my chemo by 20%.  This is a good thing, because they want to give me the safest level that my body can tolerate without knocking me down too hard.  I will be going into the hospital for another week this Monday, so I am looking forward to spending time with Richie this weekend, and getting to see a lot of our friends for superbowl.  I really miss working, and cant wait to get the ok to go back. Staying at home all day has been the most difficult part form me, just because Richie is gone for 12 hours, and it makes for a lot of time to keep busy.  Im pretty sick of tv, so a hike with a friend, lunch dates, and just running errands is much appreciated since its nice to get out and just be around other people. One thing that is kind of different is the fact that now I get to wear fake eyelashes. They took a while to figure out how to work them, but they are pretty fun.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Round 2

Well, I am back at Hotel Mission for the next week. Round 2 of my chemo started yesterday, and so far so good. Feeling pretty well, walking around my floor, reading, doing homework, chatting with my visitors, and just relaxing.  Tomorrow I have a spinal tap, where they will do in and take a sample of my spinal fluid, and also put some chemotherapy in that space to make sure all my cells are treated.  This time was much easier, since I still have my central line in my arm, I didn't have to be poked at all. Just hooked up and got started. I miss my little dog Rhino, but Richie is taking care of him, and he has his best friend/sister Zoey to play with at home. My appetite is starting to go down, but thats ok, once I get home it will be better. Love you all !!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

My fundraiser was a HUGE success !

I have the best support system, hands down !! Last night was the fundraiser Lizette set up for me at Chili's. There were over 100 people there, I couldn't believe it.  The restaurant was packed.  At times there was even a 45 minute wait. There were awesome friends, some friends I haven't seen since elementary and high school, family, co-workers, nursing school friends, doctors, bike crews, and even firefighters.  I was overwhelmed with all the support.  At the end of the night, the manager said it was the highest turnout for a fundraiser he had ever seen.  Everyone that was there last night had checks totaling up to over $4,500 which is unbelievable really.  My portion of that was $700, my donation box had $660 in it, and my co-workers had wristbands made that completely sold out in about an hour.  Overall, we raised over $1300 last night. HUGE success,but I couldn't have done it without everyone's help.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has supported me, who came out last night, and has taken time out of their life to make a difference in mine. I love you all, and am so blessed to have your love and support.  YOU ROCK !!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I finally set up a donation fund

For those of you that asked me if I had a donation account set up, I signed up for a paypal account. At first I wasn't going to, but I got an overwhelming amount that asked me, and a lot of people that wanted to donate directly rather than through a fundraiser that would only donate a percentage toward us. My email for the account I set up is Nurselisa29@gmail.com Thanks everyone in advance for all your support.